01017 2200253 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056020002400097041000800121082001200129084001800141100002100159245009500180250001200275260003300287300003500320500001900355504001800374520029100392650003200683990002400715990002400739INLIS00000000000102820221213013022 a0010-0520001028221213 | | ind  a1 - 56643 - 026 - 7 aind a323.042 a323.042 DAL c0 aRussel J. Delton1 aCitizen Politics : Public Opinion And Political Parties In Advonced Industrial Democracies aEdisi 2 bChatham House Publishers,c- axiv, 338 hlm. ; 23 cm ;c23 cm aIndeks : Index aBibiliography aThe first edition of this book offered the theory that the "quality" of citizen politics is alive and well whereas the institutions of democracy are in disarray. This edition expands on this theory and also highlights the newly found strengths and challenges today's democracy must face 4a1. Hak Politik Warga Negara a00967/MKRI-P/V-2007 a00967/MKRI-P/V-2007