01253 2200265 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056020002400097041000800121082001100129084001500140100004300155245008500198260003200283300003300315500001900348504001700367520048800384650001500872700002400887700002600911990002500937990002500962INLIS00000000000109520221014083311 a0010-0520001095221014 | | ind  a0 - 415 - 24745 - 4 aind a302.22 a302.22 ANT0 aAnthropology of Indirect Communication1 aAn Anthropology of Indirect Communication /cEdited by Joy Hendry & C. W. Watson bOxford University Press,c- axi, 308 hal ; 23 cm ;c23 cm aIndeks : Index aBibliography aSometimes we convey what we mean not by what we say but by what we do, wear or eat; sometimes it is by a gesture of the hand, a curl of the lip or a raising of an eyebrow. The aothors of this new volume ask what kind of communication occurs when we employ these indirect means of conveying our intentions. Anthropologists soon learn that understanding the codes of converntional behaviour in a foreign setting requires paying special attention to what is not said as much as to what. 4aKomunikasi0 aJoy Hendry (Editor)0 aC. W. Watson (Editor) a01748/MKRI-P/II-2005 a01748/MKRI-P/II-2005