01013 2200229 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056020001800097041000800115082001400123084002000137100001800157245003200175260003500207300002700242500002000269520042300289650002300712990002400735990002400759INLIS00000000000111420221018090051 a0010-0520001114221018 | | ind  a0-7434-6107-X aind a303.66092 a303.66092 WOO b0 aWoodward, Bob1 aBush At War /cBob Woodward aLondon :bPocket Books,c2003. aXIX, 382 hlm. ;c20 cm aIndeks : Indeks aBoob Woodward takes us inside the White House to explore the President?s instincts and document the secret deliberation of the National Security Council, which inform them. Presented in fascinating detail and based on interviews with more than a hundred sources, including first-hand relevations of the private thoughts and fears of the President and his war cabinet, this is a vivid portrait of history in the making. 4a1. Perang-Strategi a00811/MKRI-P/I-2005 a00811/MKRI-P/I-2005