na INLIS000000000001121 20221019081107 0010-0520001121 221019 | | ind 0 - 7619 - 1793 - 4 ind 306.7 306.7 REG l Regan, Pamela C. Ellen Berschad Lust : What We Know About Human Sexual Desire / Pamela C. Regan London : SAGE Publications, - x, 172 hlm. ; 23 cm ; 23 cm Indeks : Iliust Bibliography this book explain the theory and research on the characteristics of sexual desire, the individual physical and mental factors of sexual desire, the various partner characteristics that incite sexual desire, and the association between sexual desire and interpersonal, relational events and experiences. 1. Seksual 2. Bersheid, Ellen 01682/MKRI-P/II-2005