na INLIS000000000001320 20200508201422 200508||||||||| | ||| |||| ||eng|| 9780-87289-259X 010-0520001320 eng 001.03 001.03/EDI/W Editor : Tzvetelina Tzvetkova Worldwide Goverment Directory : With International Organizations - Washington D.C cahaya ilmu 2007 1815 hlm.; 27,5 cm 27,5 cm Indeks : Index Although some of the material in the book is available elsewhere in oneform or another, it is available nowhere else as arranged here. It is especially the organization and presentation of these facts in a format designed to offer both speed and ease of reference that is original with this book. The collection, compilation, and verification of information have been done carefully and represent a significant employment of staff time and resources 1. Head of State - Directories 2. Cabinet Officers - Directories 3. International Agencies - Directories