01447 2200181 4500001002100000005001500021008004100036020002000077035001900097041000800116082000800124084001400132100001800146245004400164260002900208300002900237520099900266INLIS00000000000203620200508201716200508||||||||| | ||| |||| ||eng|| a978-0521463744x 0010-0520002036 aeng0 a341 a341/INT/I0 aInternational00aInternational Law Reports Vol. 30/06974 aLondonbBritannicac1966 axxxvi, 553p.; 22m.c22m. aThe present volume contains three items to which attention may be drawn as deriving from jurisdiction not previously reported in this series. The first the decision of the Honduras?Nicaragua Mixed Commission which was given in 1961 in Implementation of the judgment of the International Court of Justice in Honduras-Nicaragua case decided in 1960. The second consist of decision of the Netherlands-Japanese Property Commission set up under the Treaty of Peace with Japan. The Third is the decision of the Military Collegiums of the Supreme Court of the Soviet Union in the Powers case. The material here printed has been extracted from a full report of the trial published in English by the Soviet information service. The publication of legal material of this category by the Soviet authorities is greatly to be welcomed; and I hope very much that in due course other decisions of the Soviet tribunals on questions of the international law may become available for publication in these reports