na INLIS000000000002073 20200508201725 200508||||||||| | ||| |||| ||eng|| 0521463475 010-0520002073 eng 341 341/LAU/A Edited by Lauterpacht Annual Digest of Public International Law Cases Years 1923-1924. 06947 1 London Grotius publications LTD. 2006 xxxiv,456 hal ;23cm 23cm Indeks : Index (p.456-468) The present volume includes the earliest Judgments and some important Advisory Opinions of the Permanent Court of , International Justice-The Wimbledon, the Eastern Carelia case, the Tunis and Morocco Nationality decrees, the Mavrommatis case, the case of the German Settlers Poland, and, among international decisions other than those of the Permanent Court, the work of the German-American Mixed Claims ComĀ­mission presided over by that great jurist the late Judge Edwin B. Parker. The volume also makes available to the general public a record of the interesting arbitration between Great Britain and Spain in which Great Britain was claiming damages for losses suffered by British subjects during the disĀ­orders in the Spanish Zone of Morocco-an arbitration in which M. Max Huber under the name of Rapporteur performed in fact the functions of the arbitrator. 1. International Law-cases