01419 2200229 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056020001900097041000800116082001100124084001700135100004700152245008200199260005600281300001700337500002000354504001400374520075100388990002501139990002501164INLIS00000000000228320221031043336 a0010-0520002283221031 | | eng  a0-11111-5555-9 aeng a342.54 a342.54 GOV g0 aGovernments and Politics of Southeast Asia1 aGovernments and Politics of Southeast Asia /cedited By George McTurnan Kahin aIthaca, New York :bCornell University Press,c1959 axviii, 531p. aIndeks : indeks ap.511-514 athis book is limited to the six largest states of southeast asia- Thailand, Burma, Indonesia, Malaya (plus Singapore), Vietnam, and the Philippines. ( the order in which they are presented may seem arbitrary, but we believe it has a certain logic). Cambodia, Laos, the colonies of British Borneo, and Portuquese Timor are not covered. It is important, and had it been possible we would have included coverage of it as well as Laos and the few still extant colonial areas. the fact that we have not is indicative of the lack of competent specialists, not only at Cornell but in the United States as a whole.Fortunately this situation is changing, and perhaps in a future edition of this book it will be possible to include these omitted countries. a05190/MKRI-P/II-2008 a05190/MKRI-P/II-2008