01495 2200229 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056020001800097041000800115082000800123084001400131100002400145245006200169250000600231260004100237300002600278504001700304520089600321990002401217990002401241INLIS00000000000230520221101021521 a0010-0520002305221101 | | eng  a979-8787-89-8 aeng a342 a342 AND c0 aAndrews, William G.1 aConstitutions and Constitutionalism /cWilliam G. Andrews a3 aNew York :bSahara Publishers,c1968 a205 p. ; 24cm ;c24cm aBibliography athis book is designed to make available in convenient form the text of the principal contitutional documents of four major world powers and to place them in the framework of a theoritical discussion of contitutionalism and constitutions.the translation of the french Contitution is original.outhor agree with professor pickles that the official version is'a caricature'outhor attention was first drawn to the need for a collection of this sort by professorMario Einaudi of cornell University.He and professor Artur Wilson of dartmouth college have read portions of the manuscript and given valauble advice.outhor am also grateful to my wife,solange,for asisstantce in proofreading and other editorial chores ;to Mrs,joan Grosjean,miss luccile flanders,and miss Mary read for typing portions of the manuscipt,and to the faculty research committe of dartmouth college for financial assisstent. a00941/MKRI-P/I-2005 a00941/MKRI-P/I-2005