na INLIS000000000002320 20221114084600 0010-0520002320 221114 | | eng 0-316-92607-8 eng 823.914 823.914 WAU d Waugh, Evelyn Decline and Fall / Evelyn Waugh Edisi ke-1 new york : Authors Press, 1999 I,279p.;18 cm ; 18 cm Waugh's first book, a life of Dante Gabriel rosetti, was published in 1928. Soon afterward his first novel, Decline and Fall, appeared and his career was sensationally launched. "In fifteen novels of cunning construction and lapidary eloquence, "Time summarized later, "Evely Waugh developed a wickedly hilarious yet fundamentally religiouns assault on a century that, in his opinion, had ripped up the nourishing taproot of tradition and let wither all the dear things of the world. Fiction - English 00161/MKRI-P/I-2005 00161/MKRI-P/I-2005