01403 2200217 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056020001500097041000800112082001100120084001500131100004400146245012500190260004500315300002500360520072400385650002601109990002501135990002501160INLIS00000000000233120221109092143 a0010-0520002331221109 | | eng  a1550023411 aeng a347.71 a347.71 SUP0 aSupreme Court of Canada and its Justice14aSupreme Court of Canada and its Justice :bLa Cour Supreme du Canada et ses juges 1875 - 2000 /cSupreme Court of Canada aCanada :bSupreme Court of Canada,c2000 a222p.;28 cm ;c28 cm aA commemoration of two significant dates. The Supreme Court of Canada and its Justices is also a colourful portrait and an indespensable reference book. A billingual co-publication of Dundurn Press and The supreme Court of canada, the book contains biographies, with portraits or photographs, of every justice appointed to the Court since its inception. The supreme Court of Canada and its Justices also features a preface by Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin and a history of the Court bt former Chief Justice Antonio Lamer. A succession list and a selected bibliography are included for researchers. The Supreme Court of Canada and Its Justices is a fitting commemoration of the Supreme Court of last resort in Canada. 4aCanada - Cour Supreme a05199/MKRI-P/II-2008 a05199/MKRI-P/II-2008