na INLIS000000000002348 20200508201829 200508||||||||| | ||| |||| ||eng|| 0-15-3734655 010-0520002348 eng 930 930/MAZ/P Anatole G. Mazour People and Nation : A World History Orlado, Florida LP3ES 1987 xviii, 857p. 25cm; Indeks : Index The earliest audience for history consisted simply of people who liked a good story. the two words, story and history, are essentially the same, and the appeals of history for many was that it brought to life real people and events, rather than invented ones. before long, though, these real-life stories came to have a moral purpose-they thaught lessons about how one should behave. the brave and the good usually succeeded; the cowardly or evil did not. Finally, history came to be seen as a way of understanding ourselves and our own world. We cannot understand why Americans place such faith in their constitution, why Islam is so important to Iranians, or why the chinese think their revolutuion is still continuing, if we do not understand their history. Sejarah Dunia Kuno