na INLIS000000000002376 20200508201836 200508||||||||| | ||| |||| ||eng|| 979-1950 010-0520002376 eng 340.59 340.59/MAU/T Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi The Islamic Law And The Constitution 2nd ed Lahore Penguin Books 1960 vii, 439p. 20cm Indeks : Index A book like the present one , which has not cater to all the academic needsof a student of Islamic Law and constitution who wants to study the subject in all its multifarious details, but i do hope, it will prove of immense help to all those persons who want to study the nature of the Islamic state,its theory, form and underlying principles, and who wish to understand how the Islamic law can be implemented in a modern state of our time Hukum Konstitusi-Islam