01098 2200253 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056020001800097041000800115082001300123084001900136100002200155245008900177250001100266260003700277300002800314500002000342520036200362650003300724700003700757990002500794990002500819INLIS00000000000238220221114112153 a0010-0520002382221114 | | eng  a967-61-1698-X aeng a923.2595 a923.2595 HUS m0 aHussain, Musthapa1 aMalay Nationalism Before UMNO :bThe Memoirs Of Musthapa Hussain /cMusthapa Hussain aCet.1. aKuala lumpur :bMacMillan,c2005 a412 p. ; 24 cm ;c24 cm aIndeks : Indeks aThis book is mustapha writes about what Malay poverty was like then, when he was working as an Agricultural Assistant in Tapah (1931-1933). He speaks of his anti-colonial feelings, wich stemmed from British disregard for the educational, economic adn social advancement of Malays, and his frustration with elite Malay indifference to the fate of the masses. 4aBiografi ( Musthapa Hussain)0 aInsun Sony Mustapha (penerjemah) a06379/MKRI-P/IX-2007 a06379/MKRI-P/IX-2007