na INLIS000000000002694 20221029080807 0010-0520002694 221029 | | eng 904112691 eng 348.025 348.025 NIK e Nikolinakos, Nikos Th. EU Competition Law and Regulation in the Converging Telecomunications, Media and IT Sectors / Nikos Th. Nikolinakos Netherlands : John Wiley & Sons, 2006 xviii,698 p. : :illus. ; 24cm Indeks : p 671 - 698 On the indusries formely characterized by a high degree of state monopoly control, telecomunication is proving to be increansingly susceptible to market failure. The fundamental causes of this difficult,according to the author of this far reaching analysis, are twofold: abusive behaviour in incumbent aimed at foreclosing competitors, and the regulatory challenges posed by the technological convergence of the telecomunication, media and IT sectors. The enforcement of specially cratted competition rules and proportionate,targeted sectoral regulation. book present the most thorougoing model yet offered to ensure the emergency of a gunuinely competive electronic communications industry in Eorepe.I Law-regulations Communication 09428/MKRI-P/XI 2008 09429/MKRI-P/XI 2008 09430/MKRI-P/XI 2008 09430/MKRI-P/XI 2008 09428/MKRI-P/XI 2008 09429/MKRI-P/XI 2008 09428/MKRI-P/XI 2008 09429/MKRI-P/XI 2008 09430/MKRI-P/XI 2008 09429/MKRI-P/XI 2008 09428/MKRI-P/XI 2008 09430/MKRI-P/XI 2008