na INLIS000000000002746 20221112082705 0010-0520002746 221112 | | eng 1420053159 eng 615.952 615.952 BUC b Buckingham, John Bitter Nemesis : The Intimate History of Strychnine / John Buckingham Rondon : CRC Press, 2008 xix, 298 p. : :Illus. ; 24 cm Indeks : p. 277 - 298 p. 269 - 276 Physicians tried for over a century, despite growing evidence to the contrary, to treat everything from paralysis to constipation with it. But strychnine proved only to be disappointingly deadly-relegating its fate almost entirely to animal control, the dangerous adulteration of foods, and criminal exploits. The NOTORIOUS and TRUE story of how a POISONOUS alkaloid... It presents a scholarly and compelling history of this fascinating chemical substance from its discovery to present times. John Buckingham fuses his eclectic interests into an extraordinary mix of original research spanning the realms of history, medicine, literature, chemistry, and forensics. ...Changed the course of HISTORY! Uncovering details and logistics from the earliest experiments performed in an era when proper scientific trials for testing new drugs were still in their infancy, the author explores strychnine's trial-and-error contributions to scientific, medical, and forensic developments. Strychnine -- History 10737/MKRI-P/XI-2008 10738/MKRI-P/XI-2008 10738/MKRI-P/XI-2008 10737/MKRI-P/XI-2008 10737/MKRI-P/XI-2008 10738/MKRI-P/XI-2008