01653 2200325 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056020002200097041000800119082001000127084001600137100002000153245007000173250001300243260005200256300002500308500002500333520072700358650001801085650002401103990002501127990002501152990002501177990002501202990002501227990002501252990002501277990002501302INLIS00000000000280620221027042443 a0010-0520002806221027 | | eng  a978-0-521-67540-6 aeng a340.5 a340.5 ZAN c0 aZander, Michael1 aCases and Materials on the English Legal System /cMichael Zander a10th Ed. aCambridge :bCambriedge University Press,c2007 axi, 861 p. ;c25 cm. aIndeks : p.843 - 861 aThis book is concerned with dispute settlement in courts and tribunals in England and Wales. The aim is to make available a selection of materials which reveal the actual working of the system, its problems and difficulties, and which suggest ways in which it might be improved. The emphasis is contemporary and critical. The materials selected come from a wide variety of sources. The work is intended mainly as a source-book for those taking courses on the English legal system for a law degree or an equivalent cource for a degree in some other subject. The intention is not merely to make collection of scattered sources conveniently accessible, but also to stimulate constructively critical thought about the subject. 4aLegal Systems 4aLaw and Legislation a09829/MKRI-P/XI-2008 a09830/MKRI-P/XI-2008 a09829/MKRI-P/XI-2008 a09830/MKRI-P/XI-2008 a09830/MKRI-P/XI-2008 a09829/MKRI-P/XI-2008 a09829/MKRI-P/XI-2008 a09830/MKRI-P/XI-2008