02563 2200505 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056020002200097041000800119082000800127084001400135100001900149700001700168700001800185245011200203250001200315260003400327300003600361500002600397504001700423520098500440650007101425650004101496990002601537990002601563990002601589990002601615990002601641990002601667990002601693990002601719990002601745990002601771990002601797990002601823990002601849990002601875990002601901990002601927990002601953990002601979990002602005990002602031INLIS00000000000287720221025040419 a0010-0520002877221025 | | eng  a978-0-534-62446-0 aeng a340 a340 WAL c0 aWalker, Samuel0 aCassia Spohn0 aMiriam DeLone14aColor of Justice :bRace, Ethnicity, and Crime in America /cSamuel Walker, Cassia Spohn, and Miriam DeLone a4th Ed. aBelmont, CA :bThomson,c2007 axx, 459 p. :b: Illus. ;c24 cm aIndeks : p. 445 - 459 ap. 424 - 444 aThis book gives you coverage of essential theory, policy, and the latest research in one value-priced, reader-friendly paperback! Praised for its balanced approach and for the authors' engaging writing style, this brief text will help you understand the nature of delinquency and its causes, as well as current strategies being used to control or eliminate its occurrence. This cutting-edge book includes leading-edge learning aids! Study more effectively and achieve success in your course with chapter objectives, critical thinking questions, and a helpful point-by-point summary in each chapter. The book's many accompanying resources, such as a Mobile Content Study Guide and the Book Companion Website, get you ready for your next exam!. It aims to provide a groundwork for the study of juvenile delinquency by analyzing and describing the nature and extent of delinquency, the suspected cuases of deliquent behavior, and the environmental influences on youthful misbehavior. 4aDiscrimination in Criminal Justice Administration -- United States 4aRace Discrimination -- United States a10959/MKRI-P/XII-2008 a10958/MKRI-P/XII-2008 a11437/MKRI-P/XII-2008 a11438/MKRI-P/XII-2008 a11438/MKRI-P/XII-2008 a10959/MKRI-P/XII-2008 a10958/MKRI-P/XII-2008 a11437/MKRI-P/XII-2008 a11437/MKRI-P/XII-2008 a10959/MKRI-P/XII-2008 a10958/MKRI-P/XII-2008 a11438/MKRI-P/XII-2008 a10959/MKRI-P/XII-2008 a10958/MKRI-P/XII-2008 a11437/MKRI-P/XII-2008 a11438/MKRI-P/XII-2008 a10958/MKRI-P/XII-2008 a10959/MKRI-P/XII-2008 a11437/MKRI-P/XII-2008 a11438/MKRI-P/XII-2008