02102 2200301 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056020002200097041000800119082001400127084002000141100001800161245007100179260006500250300003900315520116200354650001401516990003001530990003001560990003001590990003001620990003001650990003001680990003001710990003001740990003001770INLIS00000000000302320221103023120 a0010-0520003023221103 | | eng  a978-90-411-8876-2 aeng a346.048 2 a346.048 2 NIM c0 aNimmer, David1 aCopyright :bSacred Text, Technology, and the DMCA /cDavid Nimmer aThe Hague, The Netherland :bKluwer Law International,c2006 axiii, 545 p. :b: illus. ;c25 cm. aThis book anthologizes a series of articles previously published in various law reviews. Through their collection in one volume, the continuing themes that run through them gain greater cogency. As the reader will discover, the leitmotif running through the chapters that follow is that technology continues to exert greater and greater impact on US copyright law, culminating in the enactment in 1998 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and its subsequent interpretation in the courts. But as a counterpoint to that technocentric focus, those chapters also root copyright law in the literary soil from which it blossomed. It is the sacredness of text (taken in its broadest sense) that give meaning to the copyright enterprise. Light editing has taken place in it to conform the divergent journal styles into one unified whole. The text and footnotes have been retained largerly inviolate, apart from those minor editing matters. To the extent that intervening events have altered the picture or added complexity to it, a citation has been added to the pertinent footnote for the reader to consult the afterword that appears following certain chapters. 4aCopyright a11358/MKRI/MKRI-P/XI-2008 a11359/MKRI/MKRI-P/XI-2008 a11360/MKRI/MKRI-P/XI-2008 a11359/MKRI/MKRI-P/XI-2008 a11358/MKRI/MKRI-P/XI-2008 a11360/MKRI/MKRI-P/XI-2008 a11358/MKRI/MKRI-P/XI-2008 a11359/MKRI/MKRI-P/XI-2008 a11360/MKRI/MKRI-P/XI-2008