01799 2200313 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056020001500097041000800112082001100120084001700131100001900148700002000167245012900187260005000316300003200366500002600398504001100424520085600435650002201291650001601313990002601329990002601355990002601381990002601407990002601433990002601459INLIS00000000000320120221112015913 a0010-0520003201221112 | | eng  a0470012927 aeng a659.10 a659.10 ING a0 aIngram, Andrew0 aand Mark Barber1 aAn Advertising's Guide to Better Radio Advertising :bTune in to the Power of the Brand Conversation Medium /cAndrew Ingram aNew Jersey :bBerret Koehler Publisher,c2005 axvi, 216 p.; 25 cm ;c25 cm aIndeks : p. 207 - 216 ap. 205 aIn this section we review the scale of commercial radio in the UK and the benefits it offers advertisers. We consider the medium from the listener's perspective and how advertising works within this context. We then demonstrate how existing practice are limiting advertising effeciveness and why they need to change. We design it for advertisers who may be using radio at the moment but feel their on-air messages could be improved - made more memorable, more persuasive, more believable, leaving a better impression with listener. This book as a dip-in (someone told us they'd keep it in the office toilet), or from start to finish. The first section explains what radio is like as a medium, the second looks at techniques for harnessing its power; then in section three we consection four we offer the "Seven-Step guide to Better Radio Advertising". 4aRadio Advertising 4aAdvertising a11543/MKRI-P/XII-2008 a11544/MKRI-P/XII-2008 a11544/MKRI-P/XII-2008 a11543/MKRI-P/XII-2008 a11543/MKRI-P/XII-2008 a11544/MKRI-P/XII-2008