01783 2200301 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056020001800097041000800115082001100123084001700134100002100151245012300172260003400295300003100329500002300360504001400383520089200397650002201289650002001311990002501331990002501356990002501381990002501406990002501431990002501456INLIS00000000000337720221026105131 a0010-0520003377221026 | | eng  a9780415414913 aeng a338.91 a338.91 STE e0 aStetter, Stephan1 aEU Foreign and Interior Polices : Cross-pillar politics and the social constructions of sovereignty /cStephan Stetter aMilton Park :bThomson,c2007 axxi, 238p.; 24cm. ;c24cm. aIndeks : p.234-238 ap.209-233 aThis book offers an innovative theoretical and empirical analysis of intergration in EU foreign and interior policies across the three pillars, from the Maastricht Treaty to the Treaty of Nice. The establishment of the three-pillar structure in the Maastricht Treaty has been one of the key transformations of European governance. This divided EU policies into three main areas: European Community, Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and Justice and Home Affairs (JHA). For the first time the two sovereignty related areas of foreign and interior policy became part of the formal governance structure of the EU. It is unlikely in the extreme that these external challenges will weaken in the near future. The insights this book offers will thus be of relevance to a widening circle of policy-makers, as well as to those who study their actions or who seek to hold them to account. 4aInterior Policies 4aEconomic Policy a10027/MKRI-P/XI-2008 a10028/MKRI-P/XI-2008 a10028/MKRI-P/XI-2008 a10027/MKRI-P/XI-2008 a10027/MKRI-P/XI-2008 a10028/MKRI-P/XI-2008