01370 2200289 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056020001800097041000800115082000800123084001400131100002300145245008900168250001200257260003300269300003900302500002700341504001800368520054400386650003400930700002000964990002400984990002401008990002401032990002401056INLIS00000000000364120221019012957 a0010-0520003641221019 | | eng  a9780176416768 aeng a320 a320 DIC i0 aDickerson, Mark O.13aintroduction to government and politics : a conceptual approach /cMark O. Dickerson a7th ed. aUSA :bThomson Nelson,c2006 axxxiv, 480 p. :b: illus. ;c23 cm aIndeks : p. I-1 - I-18 ap. N-1 - N-24 aThe book is divided into four parts that together constitute what we believe is a logical way to begin the study of government and politics. Part One defines those terms, ideas, and concepts that are basic to political science. Part Two discusses the ideological basis of modern political systems. Part Three looks at forms of government, that discuss different types of political systems: liberal-democratic, authoritarian and totalitarian; parliementary and presidential; federal and unitary. In Part Four examine government as a process 4aPolitical science - Textbooks0 aThomas Flanagan a13016/MKRI-P/X-2009 a13017/MKRI-P/X-2009 a13016/MKRI-P/X-2009 a13017/MKRI-P/X-2009