01645 2200313 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056020002200097041000800119082001200127084001800139100002000157700002300177700001500200245014800215260005500363300002600418500002300444504001400467520062600481650006801107990002601175990002601201990002601227990002601253990002601279990002601305INLIS00000000000370620221103022317 a0010-0520003706221103 | | eng  a978-90-411-2726-6 aeng a346.048 a346.048 CUM e0 aCumming, George0 aMirjam Freudenthal0 aRuth Janal1 aEnforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Dutch, English, and German Civil Procedure /cGeorge Cumming, Mirjam Freudenthal, and Ruth Janal aThe Netherlands :bKluwer Law International,c2008 axiv, 317 p. ;c25 cm. aIndeks : p.311-317 ap.301-308 aThis book examines the scope of the member states' obligations to implement the Directive and provides valuable guidance regarding the interpretation of the provisions therein. If there really is, as the European Commission contends, an 'enforcement deficit in the protection of intellectual property rights by national rules of procedure, then the most effective approach, the author shows, is through the principles of legal certainty, full effect, and effective judicial protection. These principles will assist the national court in interpreting the precise meaning of the substantive obligations under the Directive. 4aIntellectual property infringement -- European Union countries. a15502/MKRI-P/XII-2009 a15501/MKRI-P/XII-2009 a15502/MKRI-P/XII-2009 a15501/MKRI-P/XII-2009 a15501/MKRI-P/XII-2009 a15502/MKRI-P/XII-2009