01625 2200277 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056020002200097041000800119082001000127084001400137100003500151245006500186250001200251260003800263300003700301500002300338520083700361650002101198650002401219990002601243990002601269990002601295990002601321INLIS00000000000391120221110100802 a0010-0520003911221110 | | eng  a978-0-8133-4359-4 aeng a320.6 a320.6 THE0 aTheories of the Policy Process1 aTheories of the Policy Process /cEdited by Paul A. Sabatier a2nd Ed. aColorado :bWestview Press,c2007 avi, 344 p. :b: illus. ;c23 cm. aIndeks : p.337-344 aThis book provides a forum for the proponents of several of the most promising and widely used theoretical frameworks to present the basic propositions of their frameworks, to assess the empirical evidence that has developed, and to discuss promising directions for future research. This second edition revises the first edition and adds new chapters on Social Construction and Policy Design (Schneider et al.) and Policy Networks (Adam and Kriesi). It also contains a much more serious analysis of that European literature relevant to each of the frameworks. Finally, the new edition contains a revised chapter by Edella Schlager presenting a comparative analysis and evaluation of the relevant frameworks and a concluding chapter by the editor suggesting a number of strategies for improving the state of theorizing in this field. 4aPolicy sciences. 4aPolitical planning. a16175/MKRI-P/XII-2009 a16174/MKRI-P/XII-2009 a16174/MKRI-P/XII-2009 a16175/MKRI-P/XII-2009