01452 2200313 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056020002200097041000800119082001200127084001800139100002100157245008800178260003300266300002400299500002300323504001400346520057100360650001900931650002100950700001700971990002500988990002501013990002501038990002501063990002501088990002501113INLIS00000000000394220221026050035 a0010-0520003942221026 | | eng  a978-0-415-40078-7 aeng a355.955 a355.955 MAR i0 aMarashi, Ibrahim1 aIraq's Armed Forces :ban Analytical History /cIbrahim Al-Marashi and Sammy Salama aNew York :bRoutledge,c2008 axi, 253 p. ;c24 cm aIndeks : P.247-253 aP.237-246 aThis work gives a military-centric view of Iraq's history. Despite the importance of the military in Iraq, there is not a single book in the literature that coves the Iraqi military from its creation to its demise and ultimately, its paintful rebith. The Iraqi military has been perhaps the most scrutinized armed force in the world. with the invasion of Kuwait in 1991, it came to the to the attention of international community that the Iraqi military numbered close to one million men under arms, making it the largest conventional armed force in the Middle East. 4aIraq's History 4aMilitary History0 aSammy Salama a10310/MKRI-P/XI-2008 a10311/MKRI-P/XI-2008 a10310/MKRI-P/XI-2008 a10311/MKRI-P/XI-2008 a10311/MKRI-P/XI-2008 a10310/MKRI-P/XI-2008