01429 2200301 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056020001800097041000800115082001000123084001600133100002200149245009900171260003300270300003800303500002400341504001500365520056400380650002000944650001300964990002500977990002501002990002501027990002501052990002501077990002501102INLIS00000000000406220221020104626 a0010-0520004062221020 | | eng  a9780415437752 aeng a320.1 a320.1 COL g0 aColomer, Josep M.1 aGreat Empire, Small Nations : The Uncertain Future of The Sovereign States /cJosep M. Colomer aNew York :bRoutledge,c2007 axiv, 114 p. :b: illus. ;c23 cm. aIndeks : p. 110-114 ap. 102-109 aThis book strengthens intellectually what practice shows: that the small nations not only are viable as identities, societies and economies, but can attain excellent performance. This is on provision that they do not confine themselves, but rather participate in great political and economic spaces. Besides its intellectual quality, this book has another great merit: it opens gates to hope, something we need in Catalonia now. And it does it with solid and consistent arguments, that is, with rationality, some of which it is also convenient for us to have. 4aNational States 4aAutonomy a10192/MKRI-P/XI-2008 a10191/MKRI-P/XI-2008 a10192/MKRI-P/XI-2008 a10191/MKRI-P/XI-2008 a10191/MKRI-P/XI-2008 a10192/MKRI-P/XI-2008