01342 2200313 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056020001800097041000800115082001200123084001800135100002100153245009500174260003300269300003000302500002300332504001400355520046200369650002800831650002100859700001600880990002200896990002200918990002200940990002200962990002200984990002201006INLIS00000000000406420221111022515 a0010-0520004064221111 | | eng  a9780415428965 aeng a370.116 a370.116 EDW g0 aEdwards, Richard1 aGlobalisation and Pedagogy :bSpace, Place and Identity /cRobin Usher and Richard Edwards aNew York :bRoutledge,c2008 avi,191p.;24 cm. ;c24 cm. aIndeks : p.184-191 ap.171-183 aWith different pedagogic practices come different ways of examining them and fresh understandings of their implications and assumptions. It is the examination of these changes and developments that is the subject of this book. It explores the changing configurations of pedagogy in response to and as part of globalising processes and raises questions about identity and difference, homogeneity and heterogeneity, in the practices of education and training. 4aInternational Education 4aInternationalism0 aRobin Usher a10223/MKRI-P/2008 a10224/MKRI-P/2008 a10224/MKRI-P/2008 a10223/MKRI-P/2008 a10223/MKRI-P/2008 a10224/MKRI-P/2008