01140 2200265 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056020002200097041000800119082001600127084002200143100002000165245004800185260004100233300002600274500002500300520039900325650002400724650002400748990002600772990002500798990002600823990002500849INLIS00000000000413720221108014737 a0010-0520004137221108 | | eng  a978-0-827-36355-7 aeng a340.072 073 a340.072 073 SMI l0 aSmith, David J.1 aLegal Research and Writing /cDavid J.Smith aNew York :bDelmar Publishers,c1996 axxii, 554 p. ;c23 cm aIndeks : hal.545-554 aCombining comprehensive coverage with an abundant of examples and illustrations, this book provides the perfect introduction to research and writing for aspiring legal professionals. All the essential skills ? from conducting efficient, comprehensive research to drafting concise, proper documents, and more ? are covered in a clear, nonthreatening manner that maximizes learning and retention. 4a1.Legal Research-US 4a2.Legal Composition a07414/MKRI-P/XII-2007 a05849/MKRI-P/IX-2008 a07414/MKRI-P/XII-2007 a05849/MKRI-P/IX-2008