na INLIS000000000004300 20221107082324 0010-0520004300 221107 | | eng 0-521-53399-6 eng 347 347 COU Courts and Political Institutions:A Comparative View Courts and Political Institution : A Comparative View / Tim Koopmans Cetakan 1 New York : Cambridge University Press, 2003 299 Hal; 23 cm ; 23 cm Indeks : hal 290-299 The frontier between "law" and "politics" is not always clear-cut. Although courts are allowed to function broadly, governments and parliaments can also make independent decisions. Tim Koopmans compares the way American, British, French and German law and politics handle different issues. For example, highly "political" subjects in one country may constitute legal issues in another. Koopmans considers case law in a range of issues, including human rights protection, federalism, separation of powers, and the impact of European and international law. 1. Courts 2. Justice Administration 3. Laws and Politics 4. Comparative Law 05266/MKRI-P/II-2008 07228/MKRI-P/XII-2007 05751/MKRI-P/VIII-2008 05751/MKRI-P/VIII-2008 05266/MKRI-P/II-2008 07228/MKRI-P/XII-2007 07228/MKRI-P/XII-2007 05266/MKRI-P/II-2008 05751/MKRI-P/VIII-2008