00955 2200253 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056020001800097041000800115082001200123084001800135100002300153245003900176250000900215260004000224300003100264500002500295520028500320650002100605650002300626990002600649990002600675INLIS00000000000435420221029083830 a0010-0520004354221029 | | eng  a1-4018-7958-6 aeng a340.072 a340.072 PUT l0 aPutman, William H.1 aLegal Research /cWilliam H.Putman aEd.1 aNew York :bFoundation Press,c2006 axxii,455 hlm ;28cm ;c28cm aIndeks : hal.451-455 aThis book made to provide the reader with in-depth knowledge of the fundamentals of legal research, the operation of the elements of these fundamentals in the research process, and the manner in which the process guides and assists the student in performing a research assignment. 4a1.Legal Research 4a2.Legal Assistants a06743/MKRI-P/XII-2007 a06743/MKRI-P/XII-2007