na INLIS000000000004475 20200508202730 200508||||||||| | ||| |||| ||eng|| 97866666 010-0520004475 eng 321.01 321.01/EBE/M William Ebenstein Modern Political Thought : The Great Issues /7089 cet ke-2 New York Rinehart and Winston 1960 ix,817p.;24 cm 24 cm Indeks : Indeks Bibiliografi The wars and revolutions of our century have strongly revived the interest in political ideas.Conflicts between,and within,nations are over power and andvantage;but they also expressprofound cleav ages of ideas anmd creeds rooted in conflicting ways of life.if western civilization is to survive,we shall have to develop a deeper knowledge and keener appreciation of its basic values then ever bevore,because the threat contfronting it-communist world domination-is more serious than ever before. Politik - indonesia