01674 2200289 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056020001800097041000800115082001200123084001600135100005200151245013900203260002000342300003600362500002600398520076400424650002801188650001801216990002501234990002501259990002501284990002501309990002501334990002501359INLIS00000000000455920221025092517 a0010-0520004559221025 | | eng  a0-387-27587-8 aeng a327.101 a327.101 VOL0 aVolume 1 Rescuing the Enlightenment from Itself1 aVolume 1 Rescuing the Enlightenment from Itself :bCritical and Systemic Implications for Democracy /cEdited by Janet McIntryre-Mills aNew York,c2006 axv, 370 p. :b: illus. ;c25 cm aIndeks : p. 367 - 370 aThis book presents papers that make the case that good governance is about thinking and practice that can lead to a better balance of social, cultural, political, economic and environmental concerns to ensure a sustainable future for ourselves and for future generations. The work is inspired by the thinking of C. West Churchman and forms the first volume in a new series: C. West Churchman?s Legacy and Related Works. It features contributions from a range of invited authors including Russell L. Ackoff, Ken Bausch, John van Gigch and Norma Romm. The volume is aimed at academics, post-graduate students and members of professional associations working in the fields of systems sciences, public policy and management, politics, and international relations. 4aInternational Relations 4aSystem Theory a10144/MKRI-P/X1-2008 a10143/MKRI-P/X1-2008 a10144/MKRI-P/X1-2008 a10143/MKRI-P/X1-2008 a10143/MKRI-P/X1-2008 a10144/MKRI-P/X1-2008