01939 2200313 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056020001800097041000800115082001200123084001800135100002100153245004100174250001200215260003100227300003500258500002500293504001600318520109000334650001901424650003201443990002501475990002501500990002501525990002501550990002501575990002501600INLIS00000000000471020221107111245 a0010-0520004710221107 | | eng  a9780415418478 aeng a346.420 a346.420 HUD e0 aHudson, Alastair1 aEquity and Trusts /cAlastair Hudson a5th Ed. aNew York :bThomson,c2007 alxviii,1239p.;25 cm. ;c25 cm. aIndeks : p.1215-1239 ap.1201-1214 aThis book has quickly established itself as a market leader due to it clarity, insight and accessibility in what is perhaps the most complex of legal areas. Hudson's scholarly account of the subject makes this text sufficiently authoritative for trust practitioners but also provides a comprehensible introduction for a student audience. As in previous editions, the traditional doctrines are analysed in the context of current issues, and the book's progressive approach intersperses discussion of the core ideas with clear examples. This fourth edition has been extensively rewritten and includes new chapters on: understanding the trust; certainty in the creation of express trusts; the rights of beneficiaries and the beneficiary principle, formalities in the creation of express trusts, constructive trusts; breach of trust; and miscellaneous equitable remedies. Individual essays on the nature of express trusts, the law on fiduciaries, family law, human rights law and equity draw together the main principles while examining related questions of restitution and social justice. 4aEquity-England 4aTrusts and Trustees-England a10209/MKRI-P/XI-2008 a10210/MKRI-P/XI-2008 a10210/MKRI-P/XI-2008 a10209/MKRI-P/XI-2008 a10209/MKRI-P/XI-2008 a10210/MKRI-P/XI-2008