01135 2200229 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056020002400097041000800121082000800129084001400137100002300151245008500174260003800259300003800297500001900335520048300354650002000837990002400857990002400881INLIS00000000000481220221114024657 a0010-0520004812221114 | | ind  a0 - 684 - 82639 - 9 aind a973 a973 KEL r0 aKelley, Robin D.G.1 aRace Rebels :bCulture, Politics and The Black Working Class /cRobin D.G.Kelley aNew York :bThe Free Press,c1996 aXIII, 357 hlm. ; 23 cm. ;c23 cm. aIndeks : Index aRace Rebels arms us with what we need to know. It provides us with knowledge, with description and analyses fo what struggels for social change actually entail. Robin D.G. Kelley presents us with a picture of masses in motion, of people as they actually are rather than as anothers wish them to be.He shows that political activism can never be a perfect, pure, or noncontradictory endeavor, that is messy and cannot be held in place by simple slogans suggested from the outside. 4aSejarah Amerika a01118/MKRI-P/I-2005 a01118/MKRI-P/I-2005