01722 2200337 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056020002200097041000800119082001200127084001600139100003100155700002100186700001500207700001000222245005100232260004300283300003600326500002300362504001400385520074600399650004301145650004601188990002501234990002501259990002501284990002501309990002501334990002501359INLIS00000000000498520221111084154 a0010-0520004985221111 | | eng  a978-041-544-324-1 aeng a363.325 a363.325 RIS0 aRisk and The War On Terror0 aLouise and Goede0 aMarieke de0 a1971-1 aRisk and The War On Terror /cEdited by Amoore aNew York :bRoutledge-Cavendish,c2008 axv, 279p. :b: illus. ;c24 cm. aIndeks : p.274-279 ap.247-273 aThis book offers the first comprehensive and critical investigation of the specific modes of risk calculation that are emerging in the so-called war on terror. From border controls and biometrics to financial targeting and policing practice, the imperative to deploy public and private data in order to 'connect the dots' of terrorism risk, raises important questions for social scientists and practitioners alike. In contrast to previous historical moments of risk measurement, governing by risk in the war on terror has taken on a distinctive orientation to an uncertain future. This book will be a great interest to students and researchers of international studies, political science, geography, legal studies, criminology and sociology. 4aTerrorism - United States - Prevention 4aTerrorism risk assessment - United States a13263/MKRI-P/XI-2009 a13264/MKRI-P/XI-2009 a13264/MKRI-P/XI-2009 a13263/MKRI-P/XI-2009 a13263/MKRI-P/XI-2009 a13264/MKRI-P/XI-2009