na INLIS000000000005606 20221029100537 0010-0520005606 221029 | | eng 0-19-876-5800 eng 341.48 341.48 OVE e Ovey, Clare Robin C.A. White European Convention On Human Rights / Clare Ovey and Robin C.A. White New York : PPM, 2002 XLVII, 506 hlm.; 24,5 cm ; 24,5 cm I. Judul The new edition of this well-established book on the European Convention on Human Rights provides a timely reminder of the provides A Timely reminder of the Convention's importance to modern society. The Convention protecs human rights in more than forty European countris. If ststet fail to meet standars required by the convention, Victims of volations can complain to the starsbourg court. This book examines both the rights guarenteed by the Convention and the procedures by which the stsrsbourg organs deal with complaints of Violations of those rights. Hak Asasi Manusia- Eropa 02304/MKRI-P/X-2005 02304/MKRI-P/X-2005