01198 2200241 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056020002400097041000800121082001000129084001600139100002100155245007100176260004300247300003200290500001900322504001700341520053100358650001700889990002500906990002500931INLIS00000000000568220221114025632 a0010-0520005682221114 | | eng  a0 - 684 - 83857 - 5 aeng a973.7 a973.7 DAN s0 aDaniel, Larry J.1 aShiloh :bThe battle That Changed The Civil War /cLarry J. Daniel aNew York :bA Touch Stone Books,c1998 a430 hlm. ; 23 cm. ;c23 cm. aIndeks : Index aBibliography aThe battle of Shiloh fought in April 1862 in the wilderness of south central Tennessee, market a savage turning point in the Civil War. In this masterful book, Larry Daniel re-creates the drama and the horror of the battle and discusses in authoritative detail the political and military policies that led to Shiloh, the personalities of those who formulated and executed the battle plans, the fateful misjudgments made on both sides, and the heroism of the small unit leaders and ordinary soldiers who manned the battlefield. 4aPerang Sipil a01589/MKRI-P/II-2005 a01589/MKRI-P/II-2005