na INLIS000000000005911 20221024042343 0010-0520005911 221024 | | eng 981 - 02 - 4003 - 1 eng 321.8 321.8 CHO a Choy, Lee Khoon A Fragile Nation The Indonesian Crisis / Lee Khoon Choy Cet.1. Singapore : Monarch Press, 1999 VII, 187 hlm. ; 22 cm ; 22 cm Indeks : Indeks Bibliografi Indonesia is now a fragile nation, a country in crisis. It is breaking apart because just as Sukarno had failed in his interplay of strength between communism and the armed forces, Suharto failed to keep the balance of power between the armed forces and Islam. Moreover, the Indonesian state crest, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity). Without this spirit, so vital to a multi-religious and plural society, Indonesia is becoming economically ravaged, spiritually plundered, politically distraught, and socially incoherent. 1. Krisis - Indonesia 03945/MKRI-P/VIII-2006 03945/MKRI-P/VIII-2006