01235 2200241 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056020002400097041000800121082001100129084001500140100005600155245008300211260004400294300002900338500001900367520051000386650003800896250001100934990002400945990002400969INLIS00000000000614120221031094113 a0010-0520006141221031 | | eng  a1 - 85941 - 290 - 4 aeng a341.07 a341.07 INT0 aInternational Trade and Business Law Journal Vol. I1 aInternational Trade and Business Law Journal Vol. I /cklapper, Marli (Edited) aUK :bCambridge University Press,c1995 a161 hal ; 23 cm ;c23 cm aIndeks : Index aThis book includes leading articles, casenotes, and comments, as well as book reviews dealing with international trade and business law issues. It is aimed at providing the legal and business communities with information, knowledge and understanding of recent developments in intenational trade and transnational business. It also promotes the further development of the trading relationship between Australia and its traditional trading pertners, including the European Community, and the APEC countries. 4aHukum Internasional - Perdagangan aVol. I a00839/MKRI-P/I-2005 a00839/MKRI-P/I-2005