na INLIS000000000006141 20221031094113 0010-0520006141 221031 | | eng 1 - 85941 - 290 - 4 eng 341.07 341.07 INT International Trade and Business Law Journal Vol. I International Trade and Business Law Journal Vol. I / klapper, Marli (Edited) UK : Cambridge University Press, 1995 161 hal ; 23 cm ; 23 cm Indeks : Index This book includes leading articles, casenotes, and comments, as well as book reviews dealing with international trade and business law issues. It is aimed at providing the legal and business communities with information, knowledge and understanding of recent developments in intenational trade and transnational business. It also promotes the further development of the trading relationship between Australia and its traditional trading pertners, including the European Community, and the APEC countries. Hukum Internasional - Perdagangan Vol. I 00839/MKRI-P/I-2005 00839/MKRI-P/I-2005