01302 2200241 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056020002400097041000800121082001100129084001700140100001700157245009900174250001100273260005100284300003300335500002000368520059100388650003300979990002401012990002401036INLIS00000000000629220221012015502 a0010-0520006292221012 | | eng  a0 - 521 - 41039 - 8 aeng a230.73 a230.73 ORR b0 aOrren, Karen1 aBelated Feudalism - Labor, The Law And Liberal Development In The united States /cKaren Orren aCet.1. aCambridge :bCambridge University Press,c1991 aX, 238 hlm. ; 23 cm ;c23 cm aIndeks : Indeks aTraditional and still-dominant theories of American political development depict the American state as a thoroughly liberal state from its very inception. Karen Orren challenges that account by arguing that a remnant of ancient feudalism was, in fact, embedded in the American governmental system, in the form of the law of master and servant, and persisted until well into the twentieth century. The law of master ans servant was, she reveals, incorporated in the US Constitution and administered y the judiciary, cutting off the sphere of workplace relations from democratic politics. 4a1. Sistem Politik - Amerika a05066/MKRI-P/I-2007 a05066/MKRI-P/I-2007