00994 2200241 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056020002400097041000800121082001200129084001800141100002300159245003100182250001100213260004900224300005000273500001900323520034600342650001400688990002500702990002500727INLIS00000000000649220221029090048 a0010-0520006492221029 | | eng  a81 - 7534 - 265 - 6 aeng a340.092 a340.092 ASP p0 aAsprey, Michele M.1 aPlain Language For Lawyers a2nd ed aNew Delhi :bUniversal Law Publishing,c2002 a252 hlm :biii, 252 hlm ; 21,5 cm. ;c21,5 cm aIndeks : Index aThis book isn`t a book on legal drafting in the usual sense of those words. It does deal with what we might call "drafting problems" and it does offer some drafting "solutions" or at least ideas to help you solve some of your persistent drafting problems. The book does analyse text and deal briefly with some of the rules of interpretation. 4aPengacara a01404/MKRI-P/II-2005 a01404/MKRI-P/II-2005