na INLIS000000000006503 20221020082659 0010-0520006503 221020 | | eng 9780195665451 eng 320.01 320.01 LIT e Little Ethics, Economics, and Politics : Principles Of Public & Policy / Little Cet. 1 New Delhi : PPM, 2002 xvi, 162 hlm, ; 22 cm ; 22 cm In Ethics, Economics, and Politics Ian Little returns to offer a new defence of a rule-based utilitarianism as a basis for assessing the role of the State. Lucidly and elegantly he explains how the three disiplines of philosophy, economics and politics can be integrated to provide guidance onissues of public policy. 1. Filsafat Teori Politik 01705/MKRI-P/II-2005 01705/MKRI-P/II-2005