na INLIS000000000006544 20200508203613 200508||||||||| | ||| |||| ||eng|| 1 - 85941 - 690 - X 010-0520006544 eng 341.441 341.441/KER/A Philip Plowden Kevin Kerrigan Advocacy and human rights : Using the convention in courts and tribunals 2nd ed. great britain Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia 2004 IIV, 440 hlm ; 23 cm 23 cm Indeks : Indeks This book provides advocates with a guide to the preparation and presentation of Convention-based arguments before domestic courts and tribunals. It analyses recent domestic and Strasbourg case law and sets out Issues for Advocates covering the different issues which may need to be addressed in each area. The book shows advocates how to provide courts with structured and effective guidance on the application of the Human Rights Act, ensuring that they are able to identify and to promote human rights arguments in advancing their client's case. Hak Asasi Manusia - Great Britain