na INLIS000000000006551 20221031082913 0010-0520006551 221031 | | eng ISBN 1-85941-690-X eng 341.441 341.441 PLO a Plowden, Philip Kevin Kerrigan Advocacy and Human Rights : Using the Convention in Courts and Tribunals / Philip Plowden and Kevin Kerrigan Cet.1 London : Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia, 2004 liv; 440 hlm.; 23 cm ; 23 cm Indeks : Index This book Provides advocates with a guide to the preparation and prensentation of Convention-based argument before domestic court and tribunals. 1. Hak asasi manusia 2. Great Britain 01389/MKRI-P/II-2005 01389/MKRI-P/II-2005