01689 2200229 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056020002400097041000800121082001000129084001600139100002000155245009200175260003300267300003300300500001900333520103600352650002301388990002401411990002401435INLIS00000000000683820221024110840 a0010-0520006838221024 | | eng  a0 - 415 - 92513 - 4 aeng a323.5 a323.5 FAL h0 aFalk, Richard A1 aHuman Right Horizons : The Pursult Of Justice In A Globalizang World /cRichard A. Falk aNew York :bRoutledge,c2000 ax, 270 hlm. ; 23 cm ;c23 cm aIndeks : Index aThis book seeks to encourage the continuing promotion of human rights as an integral aspect of global politic and law. To be credible, such an undertaking must confront a series of problemtic and controvesial issues. At the center of these investigations is the judgment that the sovereigh state is changing course due primarily to the widespread adoption of neoliberal approaches to governmental function. Yet it is necessary to qualify this generalization. the role of the state is changing in response to a transformed global setting, but not uniformly. States are very diffently situated and endowed, and have at their disposal a wide range of adjustment strategies and capabilities. Nevertheless, there exists a broad cumulative trend toward the social disempowerment of the state. This trend encourages privatesector "solutions" to such social issue as poverty, unemployment. and alienation, including the emergence of billionaire philanthropy as praticed by such exemplary figures as Ted Turner, George Soros,and Bill Gates. 4a1. Hak-Hak Politik a01280/MKRI-P/I-2005 a01280/MKRI-P/I-2005