na INLIS000000000000724 20221110105039 0010-0520000724 221110 | | eng 978-0-324-54849-5 eng 658 658 WIL e Williams, Chuck Effective Management : A Multimedia Approach / Chuck Williams Mason : Thomson South-Western, 2008 xxix, 530 p. : :illus, ; 25 cm Indeks : p.522 - 530 Everyone approaches learning differently. Some learn best listening to lectures, while others best reading and summarizing course material on their own. Others stuggle unless concepts and ideas are visually illustrated in chart, models, or graph, while others need first hand experience to gain undersatnding. Of course, many of us learn best when we combine these diffrent approches. In most introductory courses with most introductory textbooks, however, student learning boils down to one approach to learning: read the text book, take class notes during lecture, participate, in a bit of class discussion, do a few assigments and then cram the night before each exam. Because nearly all introductory courses and nearly all text book use this approach, student who adapt to this approach to learning tend to do well in all of their introductory courses. Management Organizational behavior 10907/ MKRI- P/XI 2008 10908/ MKRI- P/XI 2008 10908/ MKRI- P/XI 2008 10907/ MKRI- P/XI 2008