na INLIS000000000007660 20221026105357 0010-0520007660 221026 | | ind 979-96431-5-5 eng 338.9 338.9 SUS r Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Revitalizing Indonesia Economy : Business, Politic And Good Governance / Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Jakarta : Britghten press, 2004 xii, 74 hlm.; 23 cm ; 23 cm Pembangunan Ekonomi - Indonesia ed.3. Revitalizing Indonesia Economy : Business, Politic And Good Governance A strong collusion between business and politic on one side and an extreme seperation between the two on the other side are not promosing alternatives. Apart from having to be healthy and harmonius,the relation between business and politic should also be based on the exsiting rules and regulations.It is important that troika (state,business,and society)has a commitment and faithfulness ;and they should then perform a collective action on save and reform the state by solving crusial and fundamental problem in all aspects of nation's lives it may be appropriate for us to think that the following pillars can possible respond to national development challengers to the futures as well as can be correttion and expansion of the previous development triligy.The pillar are; stability, welfare, justice, democracy, and humanity. 01661/MKRI-P/VII-2007 03799/MKRI-P/VI-2006 03799/MKRI-P/VI-2006 01661/MKRI-P/VII-2007