01411 2200229 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056020002400097041000800121082001200129084001600141100005100157245007600208260003900284300002000323520075300343650001601096650002101112990002401133990002401157INLIS00000000000766320221101081140 a0010-0520007663221101 | | eng  a979 - 8231 - 68 - 6 aind a342.057 a342.057 PRI0 aPrinciples of Legislation and Judicial Process1 aPrinciples of Legislation and Judicial Process /cEdited by C.J. Samuel aPune :bUniversity of Poona,c1992 a563 p. ;c21 cm aThis book explains the principles and goals of legislative formulation as commonly observed in modern societies; spells out the various factors involved in and responsible for legislative formulation; points out and explains superior effectiveness of legislation as a state tool for shaping society and people's life in modern times; describe and analyses legislative trends and policy in India, specially the current trends; spells out and assesses the role and task of the legislature in India in the context of the state ideals of secularism, democracy and socialism; state the nature of judicial process. The students of legislative principles at graduate and postgraduate levels will find all literature covering their curriculum in this book. 4aLegislation 4aJudicial Process a05997/MKRI-P/X-2008 a05997/MKRI-P/X-2008