na INLIS000000000007774 20200508204115 200508||||||||| | ||| |||| ||ind|| 7617004213 010-0520007774 ind 344.07 344.07/MUS/p Ali Masykur Musa Perubahan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 tentang Pendidikan dan Implikasinya terhadap Politik Anggaran Pendidikan Nasional : Sebuah Analisis Kebijakan Jakarta Universitas Negri jakarta 2007 22p; 20,5 cm 20,5 cm The objective of this research is to examine the dynamic of the 1945 constitution regarding education and amendment to law of National Education System, among others regarding stipulation of national education budget at least 20 percent from APBN (National Revenues and Expenditures Budget) and APBD (Local Revenues and expenditures Budget), and to criticize development on political implication of national education budget due to any difference between order of the 1945 Constitution and law of APBN thereby producing judicial review at Constitution Supreme Court. Education-Law and legislation; UUD 1945-Amandments Pendidikan-Undang-Undang dan peraturan; Perubahan UUD 1945